Jedi's mod cards

BetterSpecialSkill1Ethereal. Upgrade all cards in your hand. (This turn, whenever you draw a card, upgrade it.)Add (*Do it) Faster to your hand. Exhaust.
FasterSpecialSkill2Ethereal. (Next turn, gain [E] [E])Apply Slow to an enemy (ALL enemies). Add (*Makes us) Stronger to your hand. Exhaust.
One StrikeSpecialAttack3Kill a non-boss enemy. (Realize you wasted an upgrade.)Fleeting.
StrongerSpecialPower2Ethereal. Gain 4 (6) Strength (. Gain 4 (6) Strength) at the start of your turn.
Collector's StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 3 damage. jedi:Collective 3 (4).
Controlled AngerUncommonPower2Add 2 (Upgraded) Angers to your hand. Whenever you play an Anger, Exhaust it.
FearUncommonSkill1(Add an Anger to your hand.)Until the start of your next turn, whenever a card is created, gain 1 Strength.
HateUncommonAttack2Exhaust all Angers in your discard pile and deal 5 (7) damage for each. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Makeshift SwordUncommonPower1Whenever a card is created during combat, deal 4 (7) damage to ALL enemies.
SufferingUncommonAttack2Deal 6 (8) damage to ALL enemies. Deals 2 additional damage for each Attack (card) in your Exhaust pile.
Bloody HammerRareSkill1Permanently upgrade a (any number of) card(s) in your hand. (and) Lose 6 HP (for each). Exhaust.
HarderRareSkill1Gain 2 (Metallicize. Gain 2) Plated Armor. Add (*Make it) Better to your hand.
Strikeing StrikeRareAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. Play a random (upgraded) Strike on the same enemy. Exhaust.
Unlimited PowerRareAttack0Deal 3 damage. Increase damage dealt by 1. Becomes Ethereal. (not Becomes Ethereal.) Stslib:Persist inf.
Acid RainUncommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) Poison for each card discarded this turn.
Collector's VenomUncommonSkill1Apply 2 Poison. jedi:Collective 2 (3).
Hat TrickUncommonSkill1 (0)Draw ALL Shivs and increase damage dealt by Shivs by 1 for each Shiv drawn.
Pocket PoisonUncommonSkill0Apply 3 Poison.(Draw a card.)
Poison IvyUncommonPower2(Innate.)Whenever you attack a Poisoned enemy with a non-Shiv card, add 1 Shiv to your hand.
Unstable FumesUncommonSkill1Apply 2 (4) Poison. If this card is discarded from your hand, apply 4 (6) Poison to ALL enemies.
Brewing PoisonRareSkill2 (1)Apply 3 Poison. Exhaust. Whenever you draw this card, increase its Poison by 3 (4). Whenever you discard this card, double its Poison.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 2 (4) additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 4 (6) additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 6 (8) additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 8 (10) additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 10 (12) additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 12 (14) additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 14 (16) additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 16 (18) additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 18 (20) additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
PrecisionRareSkillUnplayable. While in hand, Shivs deal 20 additional damage. When you play a Shiv, increase this damage by 1.
Storm of ToxinRareSkill2Discard your hand (any number of cards). Apply 3 (4) Poison for each card discarded.
Study PoisonRareSkill1Choose 1 of 3 random Poison related cards to add into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Study ShivsRareSkill1Choose 1 of 3 random Shiv related cards to add into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Flash FreezeSpecialSkill1Retain. Channel 1 (2) Frost and trigger the passive effect of your Frost Orbs. Exhaust.
ACCommonSkill2Gain 10 (14) Block. Add a DC (*DC+) to your hand.
Block-OnCommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) Block. Gain 4 (6) Block for each enemy that intends to attack and apply 2 (3) Lock-On to them.
Burst FrostCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. Gain 1 (2) additional Block for each Focus.
Burst LightningCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Affected by Focus and Lock-On.
FirewallUncommonPower2(Innate.)When a Status card is created, Exhaust it.
HexUncommonSkill0Apply 1 (2) Lock-On. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Lightning RodUncommonSkill1Lightning targets this enemy for 1 (2) turn(s). Channel a Lightning.
Lock'N'LoadUncommonSkill2Apply 2 (3) Lock-On. Channel 2 (3) Lightning.
Mark of DeathUncommonSkill1 (0)Apply 99 Lock-On. Exhaust.
OverflowUncommonSkill1If you have no empty Orb slots, gain 1 Orb slot.(Otherwise, Channel 1 random Orb.)
ReijiUncommonSkill0Innate. Apply 3 Lock-On. (Channel !M! Lightning.)Exhaust.
ScrapeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Draw 2 (3) cards that cost 0.
SharpshooterUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage. If enemy has Lock-On, gain [E] and draw a card.
Spot BugsUncommonSkill1If the enemy intends to buff, gain 1 Orb slot (and Channel 1 random Orb).
BruteforceRareSkill2Evoke your rightmost Lightning 2 times, hitting ALL enemies. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Burst DarkRareAttack2Retain. Deal 11 damage. Whenever you Evoke an Orb with this card in hand, increase its damage by 5 (8) until played.
Darkness CallRareSkill2 (1)Apply 1 Lock-On to an enemy with lowest HP. Evoke your rightmost Dark Orb. Exhaust.
EntombRareSkill2Gain 15 (18) Block. Apply 2 Weak. Add 1 (2) Flash Freeze(s) into your hand.
Gathering StormRareSkill3 (2)For each non-Lightning orb Channeled this combat, Channel 1 Lightning. Exhaust.
MeditationRarePower2At the end of your turn, remove your rightmost Orb and gain 1 (2) Focus.
Ready, Aim, FireRareSkill1 (0)Apply 1 Lock-On to ALL enemies. Evoke ALL orbs. Exhaust.
Study FrostRareSkill1Choose 1 of 3 random Frost related cards to add into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Tunnel VisionRarePower1(Apply !M!) Lock-On (to ALL enemies. Lock-On) further increases Orb damage by 25% per additional Lock-On.
Future ShieldCommonSkill2Gain 10 (13) Block when played or discarded via Scry.
OverlookCommonSkill1Scry 2 (3). If you discarded an Attack, enter Wrath. Otherwise, enter Calm.
ProsperityCommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. When Scried, draw 1 additional card next turn.
Waving IronCommonAttack1Gain 5 (7) Block. Scry 2 (3). Deal 4 (5) damage for each Attack you Scry.
Aura StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. While in hand, Attacks deal 2 (3) more damage.
Fortune CookieUncommonSkill0Scry 2 (3). Draw a card if you discarded a card.
FuriosityUncommonSkill2Enter Wrath. Draw 2 (3) Attacks.(Select one of them. It costs 0 this turn.)
KhahiriUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. When Scried, increase this card damage by 3 (4) this combat.
Predicted StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 damage. Scry 3 (4). Increase the damage of all Attacks you Scry by 3 (4) this combat.
Apocalypse NowRareSkill1 (0)Gain 6 Block. Scry 3. If you discard 3 or more different types of cards, enter Divinity.
Nirvanic RebirthRareSkill1Retain. Heal 2 HP. When Retained, permanently increase its healing by 1 (2). Fleeting.
Promising FutureRareSkill0Scry 3 (5). Draw 3 cards. They Exhaust when played. Exhaust.
DCSpecialSkill1Retain. Channel a Lightning. Trigger its Evoke (and passive) effect(s). Exhaust.
StupefiedSpecialStatus2Exhaust. While in hand, Attacks deal 3 less damage.
Force PullUncommonSkill0(Gain 1 Strength this turn.)Apply 1 Vulnerable. Draw a card.
Force PushUncommonSkill0(Enemy loses 1 Strength this turn.)Apply 1 Weak. Draw a card.
Red IncenseUncommonSkillUnplayable. Whenever you discard, Exhaust or Scry this card, gain 2 (3) Strength.
CleanseRareSkill1(Retain.)Remove ALL your debuffs. Exhaust.
Leeching StrikeRareAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. Heal HP equal to unblocked damage dealt. Exhaust.
Battle ThirstCurseCurseUnplayable. While in your deck, you have to enter combat rooms whenever you can.
FrostbiteCurseCurse1While in hand, Attacks deal 3 less damage.
MisplayCurseCurseUnplayable. When drawn, plays a random card in hand.
The DogCurseCurseUnplayable. Retain. Cannot be removed from your hand.

Jedi's mod relics

Crown of SimplicityCommonFirst Basic card each turn is played twice.An extremely simple crown for an extremely simple purpose.
Fennex FeatherCommonThe first time a card is created each combat, gain [E] .Fennex, a legendary creature of the desert. Mischievous and immortal, fluffy and feathery...
Laser PointerCommonBlueAt the start of each combat, apply 1Lock-On to ALL enemies.Why is it a pointer if it targets everyone?
Portable TentCommonYou can now encounter Rest sites in ? rooms. The next ? room is guaranteed to be one.Seems to be made of snecko skin, doused in slime goop. Offers long-term restorative effects.
Rubber SlingCommonGreenFirst time each turn when you discard a card, draw a card.I thought they don't use rubber in yoyo?
Shrink RayCommonNon-boss enemies have 10% less HP.An evil mastermind has once tried to steal a satellite with this very relic...
Star AurumCommonIf you've created a card during your turn, gain 4Block at the end of it.Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away?
Angry MaskUncommonWhenever you spend any Gold at a shop, start the next combat with 2Strength.Is this what they call "Aggressive marketing"?
Archwizard's HatUncommonWhenever an Attack that costs 1 or more uses all of your current energy, increase its damage by 25%.Bakuretsu, bakuretsu, la la la...
Bottled FuryUncommonUpon pickup, choose a card. Whenever an enemy dies, Fetch this card from anywhere.Have you heard the tale of an alien who escaped prison with nothing but a sword in his hand?
CatwichUncommonGreenThe first unupgraded card you discard each turn is Upgraded.Infinite energy here we go.
Ghost BladesUncommonGreenShivs ignore enemy Block.There's something strange... In the neighbourhood...
Obsidian BrickUncommonAt the end of each combat, gain 1Gold for every 10 HP you have.u/NamedName139
Paper FauxUncommonBlueEnemies with Lock-On take 25% more damage from Orbs.What does it say?
PinwheelUncommonWhenever you shuffle your deck, gain 1Strength.Seems to be spinning despite complete lack of wind.
Scrap MetalUncommonGreenShivs deal 1 additional damage for each Shiv played during the turn.Nothing should go to waste.
SprinklerUncommonGreenWhenever you shuffle your draw pile, apply 3Poison to ALL enemies.Taking care of those nasty insects has never been so easy!
SuperconductorUncommonBlueFor every 10 Orbs Channeled, trigger passive effect of ALL Orbs.You can almost hear orbs going round and round...
Tarot DeckUncommonThe first time you create a card during combat: If it's an Attack - gain 2Strength. If it's a Skill - gain 2Dexterity. If it's a Power - heal 4 HP. If it's a Status - Exhaust it and all future Status cards this turn. If it's a Curse - raise your Max HP by 2.They say drawing from this deck reads your fate. Or does it determine it?
First Aid KitRareAt the start of combat, gain 4Regen.Do you really need a bandage for every byrd peck?
Gremlin KnobRareWhenever you play a Skill, gain 1Strength until the end of your turn.If I hear ONE MORE knock-knock joke...
KaleidoscopeRareStart each combat with Strength equal to unique card colors in your deck.It seems to be lacking its main shard...
MatchstickRareRight click during combat to activate.Usable once per combat. Gain [E] [E] .The match is struck. A blazing star is born!
Paint BrushRareRight click during combat to activate.Usable once per combat. Add a copy of last card created into your hand.Sometimes, you draw a masterpiece. Sometimes, there's nothing but a daze.
Purple FairyRareWhenever you Smith a card, heal HP depending on card rarity.Mai waifu.
CommandSpecialInstead of random you always choose which relic to obtain.There is no rain inside the Spire.
Command (book)SpecialUpon pickup, choose and obtain any book.ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL
Command (boss)SpecialUpon pickup, choose and obtain any boss relic.ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL
Command (common)SpecialUpon pickup, choose and obtain any common relic.ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL
Command (face)SpecialUpon pickup, choose and obtain any face.ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL
Command (rare)SpecialUpon pickup, choose and obtain any rare relic.ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL
Command (shop)SpecialUpon pickup, choose and obtain any shop relic.ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL
Command (uncommon)SpecialUpon pickup, choose and obtain any uncommon relic.ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL
Strike ManualSpecialAt the end of your turn, you may shuffle 1 of 3 random cards of any color containing "Strike" in their names into your draw pile.Striking knowledge.
Token of GlorySpecialElites appear more often in future acts.You're feeling an ominous presence...
Token of MysterySpecial? rooms appear more often in future acts.???????????????????????????
Token of SerenitySpecialRest sites appear more often in future acts.Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head...
Token of WealthSpecialShops appear more often in future acts.The price you pay.
ZontanonomiconSpecialThe first Skill played each turn that costs 2 or more is played twice.You feel invigorated just by holding this Book of Living.
Battle StandardBossGain [E] at the start of your turn. You have to enter combat rooms whenever you can.To battle! Fight! Fight for your life!
Byrd BibleBossThe first time a card is created each turn, gain [E] .In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was "Ca-caw!"
Heavy JacketBossAt the start of each combat, gain 1PlatedArmor for every 2 relics you have.That's a lot of pockets for a single jacket.
Hot PepperBossGain [E] at the start of your turn. Upon pickup, reduce your Max HP by 30%.Not only it burns your mouth when you eat it, it also leaves a horrible aftertaste so that any food after it doesn't taste well.
Paper LyonBossGain [E] at the start of your turn. When Vulnerable, take 75% more attack damage rather than 50%. When Weak, deal 40% less attack damage rather than 25%. Synergy: OddMushroomIt may only be made of paper, yet it gives such an intimidating aura.
Ash LotusShopAt the end of your turn, Exhaust a card in your hand. Then, if you have NO cards left, gain 50Block and deal that much damage to ALL enemies.Welcome home, Ashen Two...
Crying MaskShopYou can now use the Merchant's card removal service second time per shop for free. Synergy: SmilingMaskMask worn by the Merchant of the past... Or is it of the future?
Fake MustacheShopWhen spending Gold at the shop, heal 5 HP. Heal 10 HP upon pickup.A familiar face?
Hammer of TimeShopPurpleWhen your turn would be forced to end, instead gain 2Strength.Made entirely out of salt.
Iron BloodShopRedWhenever you would lose HP, take that much damage instead."I am the bone of my sword..."
Ominous Loan NoteShopUpon pickup receive 400 gold. Next 500 gold gained will go toward paying off this debt.You pay for your greed.
Wind-up BoxShopIncreases effectiveness of all time-based relics.Like clockwork.

Jedi's mod potions

Coolant LeakCommonApply 3Lock-On.
Striking PotionCommonChoose 1 of 3 random cards containing "Strike" to add to your hand, it costs 0 this turn.
Energy drinkUncommonYou may ignore paths when choosing the next room to travel to once.
Tentacle JuiceUncommonApply 5Constricted.
Hoard PotionRareAdd all cards from current card select screen to your deck.
Holy WaterRareRemove ALL your debuffs.
Mystery PotionRareThe next room you can go to, other than bosses, becomes a ? room. Cannot be used in TheEnding.

Jedi's mod keywords

CollectiveInstead of obtaining this card, increase the value of a card in your deck with the same name by its Collective value if you already have one. You are more likely to find this card in future card rewards the higher the value is.
ConstrictionA debuff that deals damage at the end of creature's turn. If the enemy is constricted, it will do its move first and then take damage from constriction.
jedi:unlimitedWhen played, remains in hand and Upgrades. Can be upgraded any number of times. Reset upgrades at the end of your turn. Cannot be upgraded outside of combat.

Jedi's mod creatures
